Every one want to improve keyword quality score. But how ??
No worries !!
Today I am
sharing with you that how can you improve your keyword quality score.
Keyword quality score depend on the three parameters -
1. CTR (
Click Through Rate )
2. Ad Relevancy
2. Ad Relevancy
3. Landing
Page Experience
Now if you
wanna increase your quality score for keyword. You should focus on these
Click through Rate )
Click through
rate is the ratio of the number of click/Impression
Let suppose
we received 300 impression and 30 click in a keyword. So now calculate the
30/300*100 = 10%
It means our
CTR is 10%. Now we are getting more that 8 % CTR or more than it. Than its
enough. we don't need to work on it. Other thing is if we are getting 2 or 3 %
than we should focus on CTR.
Here ad
relevancy means that our keyword should be relevant for our ad copies. In
simple words if we are targeting " Digital Marketing" Keyword in our
campaign. So we should be mention in our ad copies related to this keyword. For
example you can put "Best Digital Marketing Company".
It should not
be like that "Best MBA Marketing Class". So in my words if you are
working on you ad copies and want to increase your ad relevancy. Just mention
about your service and the something related to your keyword. You can believe
me it will always show ad relevancy is above average.
Page Experience
Its the very
important part in the quality score. first of fall you should check your mobile
speed and desktop speed. If you want a good result then it should not be more
than 4 to 6 seconds. Website should be mobile friendly. Landing page should be
related to your keyword and information about services that your offers.
If you do all
things that I shared with you then here is no one who can stop you to achieve
10 out 10.
Thanks for your time read it enjoy it and just do it. and if you have some inquiry just send me mail on adityasharmappcexpert.com.
Visit our Blog : adityappcexpert.blogspot.com
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