Tuesday, 2 May 2017

How to set up Search Network Campaign Setting Step by Step Second Part

Hi Guys Today we will cover next steps in a Campaign setting

Delivery Method

We can see two option in Delivery Method

Standard & Accelarated 

Standard : In this method our ads delivery optimize by adword and our budget spending evenly over the time. 

We use it when our budget is no higher and using broad match or Pharse Match keyword match type. 

Accelerated : In this method our ads delivery don't optimize and our budget spending more quickly . 

We use it when our budget is so high and want to get more clicks or conversion so early.

Note : In Maximize click bid strategy we can't use it in accelerated delivery.

Note : Both Delivery Method Depend on our Budget.  


Its very important if we are running search ads . We can increase 15%  click- through rate by extending ad with Extension. 

Our Quality score is directly proportional to CTR.  I will share a blog of Ad Extension.

Advance Setting Of Scheduling Ad

If you want to schedule your ad automatic. Then you should use it you can mention here when and which time your ad will be run or not run. In simple words When and which time do you want to show your ads.

Ad Delivery: Ad Rotation

Here above we can see four option

Optimize for clicks : If we use it then our ads focusing on more clicks and its good for quality score. In starting we should use it. 

Positive Point : We can get more clicks and because of it our CTR will be above average.
 Negative Point : Minimum Changes to get conversion 

Optimize for conversions : If we use it then our ads show those people who can provide more conversion. But In starting we should not use it because if we choose it then our clicks may be less. We should use it when we required conversion not click.

Positive Point : Chances to get more conversion with low conversion cost. 
Negative Point : If we use it . Then our CTR may be below average . Because In optimize for conversions we get clicks from where more changes to get conversion.

Rotate Evenly : If we use it then adword do optimize our ads. Our performing ads will show maximum time as compare to our low performing ads. We can use it when we are using so many ad copies.

Positive Point : Our All Ad Copies will be show. Which one performing better or which one not Performing Better. So after Some time when we have enough data then we can pause that ad copies which one not getting conversion.
Negative Point : Our low performing ad copies will be show 

Rotate Indefinitely : If we use it then adword dont optimize our ads. which one our low performing ads show more as compare to higher performing ads.

Campaign Tracking

If you want to track your campaign url then you can use coding. i am sharing it with you.

{lpurl}?source=google&medium=sem&campaigns=Campaign Name&adgroup={adgroup}&keyword={keyword}&matchtype={matchtype}&device={device}

Now I have done campaign search setting step by step. 

I hope this helps you! If you want to learn ppc then follow my blog . Fell free and Ask me anything about Google Adword. You can reach me at adityasharmappcexpert@gmail.com 

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